Educational Assistance Project

PetroSolar Corporation Continues its Educational Assistance Project in Tarlac City

Date Published: March 28, 2017

In line with PetroSolar Corporation’s (PSCP commitment for the betterment of its host communities, the 2nd tranches of educational assistance were awarded to Lourdes Elementary School on January 11 and to Balete Elementary School on January 12, 2017. The donation will benefit almost 300 students from both schools. The fund will be managed by their respective Parents-Teacher Associations and will be used for different projects such  as  school vegetable gardening, sports equipment procurement, support for sports activities, solid waste management promotion, environment awareness projects, and building repairs.

Several accomplishments were presented by the School Principals as a result of the first tranche of assistance donated last year.

PetroSolar Corporation is 56% owned by PetroGreen Energy Corporation (PGEC), and 44% by EEI Power Corporation (EEI Power).  PGEC is a subsidiary of publicly-listed PetroEnergy Resources Corporation (PERC).

PetroSolar Corporation Continues its Educational Assistance Project in Tarlac City

Part of PSC’ s educational assistance is for their school vegetable garden which brought home the 1 st place trophy for the school in the city of Tarlac.