Mt. Bangkaan, Sierra Madre Region
Yuchengco Group partners with the Indigenous People of Tanay for a 100-hectare Reforestation Project in Sierra Madre
The Yuchengco Group of Companies (YGC) has embarked in a forward-looking project of planting 50,000 native trees within a sprawling 100 hectares in Mt. Bangkaan in the Sierra Madre, the longest mountain range in the Philippines. Such a massive project will benefit not only Sierra Madre’s biodiversity but also the entire population of Greater Metro Manila, from a sustainable watershed protection. The choice of Mt. Bangkaan is crucial, being part of the micro basin of the Laiban Watershed, a vital potential source of water for Metro Manila.
Mt. Bangkaan, Sierra Madre Region
YGC Earth Care Project Digital Story Book
The YGC Earth Care Project was born in 2011 in celebration of YGC’s 100 years anniversary. It is a joint project with the DENR and the indigenous people of Tanay for a 100-hectare Reforestation Program in Mt. Bangkaan in the Sierra Madre Region. To date, there are 23,000 trees along the 58-hectare plant site, most of which are now over 20 feet high.